How to change an expired password in a Key Database (KDB) file using the runmqakm

How to change an expired password in a Key Database (KDB) file using the runmqakm command-line tool, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt or terminal.
  2. Navigate to the directory where the runmqakm tool is located. The exact location may vary depending on your system and IBM MQ installation.
  3. Use the runmqakm command with the -keydb option to specify the KDB file, the -alter option to modify the password, and the -type option to specify the type of the key database. Here’s the command syntax
  4. runmqakm -keydb -alter -db <kdb_file> -type cms -old_pw <old_password> -new_pw <new_password>
  5. Replace <kdb_file> with the path to the KDB file. Provide the <old_password> and <new_password> to change the password.
  6. Enter the old password when prompted. If the old password has expired, you may receive a message indicating the expiration and asking for the current password.
  7. Enter the new password when prompted and confirm it.
  8. If the password change is successful, you should see a confirmation message.

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