IBM Connect:Direct sample commands

submitsubMakes Processes available for execution.
change processcha proChanges the status and modifies specific characteristics, of a nonexecuting Process in the TCQ.
delete processdel proRemoves a nonexecuting Process from the TCQ.
flush processflush proRemoves an executing Process from the TCQ.
stopstopStops Connect:Direct for UNIX and returns control to the operating system.
select processsel proMonitors both executing Processes and Processes waiting for execution. You can specify the search criteria and the form in which the information is presented.
select statisticssel statRetrieves information from the statistics file. You can specify the search criteria and the form in which the information is presented.
view processview proView a Process in the TCQ where the local node is the Pnode. View process can only display Processes running on the local node since only the Pnode has the information required to display a Process.

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