Container Technology Container technology is a method of packaging an application so it can be run with isolated dependencies. With computer container technology, it is an
run kubeadm version to get the k8s version . below command will check if any of the new version or patches available for us .
etcd is a static pod running on master which store full information about the k8s cluster. It is very important to keep it safe and
All the above rules are or if any one of the rule is staisfied then the traffic is allowed .if you just remove – then
Lets try to connect to the POD nginx running . List the pods in the cluster and see if it is running or not root@master:/tmp#
Create pv.yaml k create -f pv.yaml PV is created and now developer can use it . k describe pv to get more details . Create
if you want o upgrade the host os for any of the node in the kubernetes cluster you need to put the node in maintenance
RBAC stands for role base access control . k get role k get rolebindings k create clusterole –help –verb –> this is something that sets
static pods are some pods which will be created and managed by Kubelet . In the below example yaml file inside the node1 manifest. here