How to restore message from Dead letter queue to original queue

How to restore message from Dead letter Queue to original queue for Application processing so that there will not be any impact . 

There are many reasons for the message go into dead letter queue . The actual reason for the message will be seem in the message header . In this we will see how to restore the message back to original queue from DLQ . Will see how to check the reason code later .

Use the dmpmqmsg utility to copy or move the contents of a queue, or its messages, to a file. Formerly the IBM MQ qload utility.

The following command can be used to move the messages from DLQ to original queue:

dmpmqmsg -m <qmgr name> -i <DLQ name> -o <destination queue name> -h
dmpmqmsg used for (queue load and unload)
Note: Please replace <qmgr name>, <DLQ name>, <destination queue name> with real names. The option "-h" is used to remove DLQ header.
-i or -I Input queue name
Note :Using -i browses the queue, whereas using -I gets messages from the queue.

For more options refer link dmpmqmsg help

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