Channel can be monitored more details with the below .Generally we all might have used dis chs(channel_name) to display the channel status . Below will give more details than the previous one let have a try and see what is displays .
Channel status parameters and Description
MONITOR –> Displays the set of Channel Monitoring fields turned on by MONCHL
STATUS –> Channel state – what the channel is doing
SUBSTATE –> More granular status – what the channel is doing in detail
LONGRTS, SHORTRTS –> Number of channel retries left to do
LSTMSGDA, LSTMSGTI –> When the last message was sent down the channel
HBINT –> The negotiated heartbeat interval used on this instance
INDOUBT –> Is the sender currently indoubt with its partner
KAINT –> The current value of keepalive being used on this channel
MSGS, BATCHES –> How many messages, in how manay batches sent so far
Channel Status Monitor parameter & Description
COMPRATE –> The compression rate achieved
COMPTIME –> The time spent doing compression
EXITTIME –> The time spent running exits
NETTIME –> The time a network round trip takes
XBATCHSZ –> Achieved Batch Size
XQMSGSA –> Messages available for CLUSSDR
XQTIME –> The time messages spend on the Transmission Queue
Parameter Reference
HBINT –> Heartbeat Interval
BATCHSZ –> Maximum number of Messages in a Batch
BATCHINT –> Minimum lifetime of a Batch of Messages
DISCINT –> Interval after which a channel will end
SHORTRTY, SHORTTMR, LONGRTY, LONGTMR –> Channel retry counts and timers
MRRTY, MRTMR, MREXIT, MRDATA –> Message retry counts and timers and exit
MAXINST, MAXINSTC –> Restrict the number of inbound clients
QM.INI – Channel Parameters
AdoptNewMCA –> Adopt Channel types
AdoptNewMCATimeout –> Adopt Quiesce time-out
AdoptNewMCACheck –> Adopt parameter check
KeepAlive –> Use Keepalive
Some of the attributes are part of the true channel definition and others are setup in other places such as an INI file.