IBM MQ provides File transfer service using MQFT packages with in the MQ . This feature basically require Advance license . If you have Advance license then you can process with installation and configure MQFT for fast secure and reliable file transfer .refer below basic steps to do simple file transfer .
Create a queue manager named FTQM.
crtmqm FTQM
Start the queue manager.
strmqm FTQM
Configure queue manager FTQM as the coordination queue manager for the IBM MQ Managed File Transfer.
fteSetupCoordination -coordinationQMgr FTQM
Use the MQSC interface to define the IBM MQ objects that are required to make queue manager FTQM a coordination queue manager.
runmqsc FTQM < ..\mqft\config\FTQM\FTQM.mqsc
Configure queue manager FTQM as the command queue manager for the IBM MQ Managed File Transfer.
fteSetupCommands -connectionQMgr FTQM
Create source agent required for file transfer.
fteCreateAgent -agentName SAGENT -agentQMgr FTQM
Create the object definitions that are required for an agent, SAGENT, on queue manager FTQM.
fteDefine -t agent SAGENT | runmqsc FTQM
Create destination agent required for file transfer.
fteCreateAgent -agentName DAGENT -agentQMgr FTQM
Create the object definitions that are required for an agent, DAGENT, on queue manager FTQM.
fteDefine -t agent DAGENT | runmqsc FTQM
Start source and destination agent.
fteStartAgent SAGENT
fteStartAgent DAGENT
Create a file transfer request to transfer all .txt file from input to output folder.
fteCreateTransfer -sa AGENT1 -da AGENT2 -dd C:\output C:\input*.txt