mqweb for IBM MQ

IBM MQ has started providing mqweb .using which one can be able to administer the MQ on the server suing MQWEB . It can be managed using API or MQ Web Console .

Here we will set how to start MQ Web console and some configuration which will help to begin with .

Starting from MQ 9.X onwards by default with MQ installation mqweb is getting installed to start there are some configuration and startup service needed . Let’s see it .

On a linux system by default MQ Web configuration are available in the below path



[mqm@ip-172-31-14-154 configuration]$ ls -lrt
total 40
-r--r-----. 1 mqm mqm 2831 Sep 18  2020 no_security.xml
-r--r-----. 1 mqm mqm 8830 Sep 18  2020 local_os_registry.xml
-r--r-----. 1 mqm mqm 8884 Sep 18  2020 ldap_registry.xml
-r--r-----. 1 mqm mqm 8800 Sep 18  2020 basic_registry.xml
[mqm@ip-172-31-14-154 configuration]$

Below path has actual files that need to modify to start it


[mqm@ip-172-31-14-154 mqweb]$ ls -lrt
total 24
-rw-r-----. 1 mqm mqm  589 Dec 29 15:56 server.xml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 mqm mqm  858 Dec 29 15:56 jvm.options
-rw-rw----. 1 mqm mqm  891 Mar 28 05:05 mqwebuser.xml_bkp
drwxrwsr-x. 3 mqm mqm   22 Mar 28 05:07 resources
-rw-rw----. 1 mqm mqm 8763 Mar 28 05:14 mqwebuser.xml
drwxrwsr-x. 5 mqm mqm  151 Mar 28 05:14 workarea
drwxrws---. 3 mqm mqm  134 Mar 28 05:14 logs
[mqm@ip-172-31-14-154 mqweb]$ 

mqwebuser.xml is the configuration file that need to modify . Let’s take backup of the file and copy basic_registry.xml as mqwebuser.xml then start mqweb using strmqweb command utility .

[mqm@ip-172-31-14-154 mqweb]$ dspmqweb
MQWB1125I: Server 'mqweb' is not running.
[mqm@ip-172-31-14-154 mqweb]$ strmqweb

Starting server mqweb.
Server mqweb started with process ID 1895.
[mqm@ip-172-31-14-154 mqweb]$ dspmqweb
MQWB1124I: Server 'mqweb' is running.
[mqm@ip-172-31-14-154 mqweb]$ 

Once mqweb is started successfully then display the status using dspmqweb . if it is running then it will show 2 url’s . API and a console url .

if you looks at the url’s they are running on loop back address . to startup using the serverip or any interface on the system update mqwebuser.txt file with httpHost

    <variable name="httpHost" value="*"/>

        <basicRegistry id="basic" realm="defaultRealm">
        This sample defines two users with unencoded passwords
        and a group, these are used by the role mappings above.
        <user name="mqadmin" password="mqadmin"/>
        <user name="mqreader" password="mqreader"/>
        <user name="mftadmin" password="mftadmin"/>
        <user name="mftreader" password="mftreader"/>
        <group name="MQWebAdminGroup">
           <member name="mqadmin"/>

By default it is commented . Uncomment it and restart mqweb.

endmqweb and update httpHost and start using strmqweb

mqm@ip-172-31-14-154 mqweb]$ endmqweb

Stopping server mqweb.
Server mqweb stopped.
[mqm@ip-172-31-14-154 mqweb]$ 

   <variable name="httpHost" value="*"/>

   MQWB1125I: Server 'mqweb' is not running.
[mqm@ip-172-31-14-154 mqweb]$ strmqweb

Starting server mqweb.
Server mqweb started with process ID 2721.
[mqm@ip-172-31-14-154 mqweb]$ dspmqweb
MQWB1124I: Server 'mqweb' is running.
[mqm@ip-172-31-14-154 mqweb]$ 

Now try to access the web console using the URL and 9443 is the default port for this to access .

mqweb login page

Login with the default id that was configured in mqwebuser.xml file .mqadmin/mqadmin in our case .

We can see all the QMGR running on the server and its status .

We can create configure administer monitor all the MQ . all the operation sthat we can do from runmqsc will be able to perform from the MQ web console .

It is not mandatory to use mqweb or start the process . but it is one of the option given int the latest mq .if you wish that it cat help you can start using it and play around .

Good luck!!! 🙂

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