Here you will see the high level steps required to setup the multi instance qmgr for the quick reference
- Install MQ in both active and passive instances
- Have a network file system (Request to Unix team)
- Both active and passive instances should have access to the network file system
server 1 — active instance
crtmqm -ld /MQHA/mqm/log -md /MQHA/mqm/qmgrs TEST
server 2 — Standby instance
addmqinf -s QueueManager -v Name=TEST -v Directory=TEST -v Prefix=/var/mqm -v DataPath=/MQHA/mqm/qmgrs/TEST
strmqm -x QM_NAME
endmqm -x QM_NAME –> To end stand by qmgr without ending active –> in standby instance
endmqm -s QM_NAME –> Switch over to a standby queue manager instance after shutting down –> in active insatnce