setting up multi-instance qmgr in ibm mq

Here you will see the high level steps required to setup the multi instance qmgr for the quick reference

  1. Install MQ in both active and passive instances
  2. Have a network file system (Request to Unix team)
  3. Both active and passive instances should have access to the network file system
server 1 — active instance

crtmqm -ld /MQHA/mqm/log -md /MQHA/mqm/qmgrs TEST

server 2 — Standby instance

addmqinf -s QueueManager -v Name=TEST -v Directory=TEST -v Prefix=/var/mqm -v DataPath=/MQHA/mqm/qmgrs/TEST

strmqm -x QM_NAME
endmqm -x QM_NAME –> To end stand by qmgr without ending active –> in standby instance
endmqm -s QM_NAME –> Switch over to a standby queue manager instance after shutting down –> in active insatnce

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