WebSphere SIB message store recommendations 

If the permanent store is not tuned on WebSphere Message Engine and if it get full you will see below error message on the WebSphere or application error logs .

This message store is the filesystem place where it store the data

CWSIS1574E: The file store’s permanent store file is full.


Permanent store file
This file contains permanent data that is retained after the restart of the messaging engine, such as persistent messages, queue data, and information about the storage and transmission of persistent messages.
The permanent store file can be configured to have a maximum and minimum size, or to be unlimited in size. The file can grow from the minimum size (or as required in the unlimited case) but will never shrink (even if the maximum size is set to a smaller value than its current size). The file sizes can be changed in the administration console, but a restart of the messaging engine is required for the changes to take effect.
Similar to a file system, when data is deleted from the store, the data in the file is not deleted, only the directory information is updated. This means that if a message is consumed, the message data may still be present in the store file, but the directory information that includes this data in the store is updated to reflect the fact that it is deleted.

For high-volume sites, Vendor recommend to tune the Service Integration Bus (SIB) Message File Store.

Message Store – High loads on the Activities application generate a high messages traffic, which needs a larger message store for the Activities Messaging Engine (ME).

We noticed good performance using the following values:

  • – Log size = 500 MB
  • – Minimum permanent store size = 500 MB
  • – Maximum permanent store size = 3000 MB
  • – Minimum temporary store size = 500 MB
  • – Maximum temporary store size = 1000 MB

How to Set: 

  1. In the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console
  2. Click:Service integration -> Buses > ConnectionsBus > Messaging engines > ActivitiesCluster.000- ConnectionsBus > Message Store

Please also check from the WAS integrated console:
Buses > Bus_Name > Messaging engines > Messaging engines_Name >Message store
Buses > Bus_Name > Messaging engines > Messaging engines_Name > Queue points

If the issue still persists another cause of the errors reported is a corrupt message store where in most cases deleting the contents of the message store directory addresses the issue:

NOTE: however that you may loose status update data:

Steps to clear out the message store:
1. Check the WAS variable, MESSAGE_STORE_PATH, for the correct path to the messageStores.     (Ex. /opt/IBM/Connections/data/shared/messageStores)
2. Shutdown the Connections servers
3. Delete only the files from the
3 MESSAGE_STORE_PATH directories noted below, not the directories themselves: (you can also instead move the contents of the directories to a location outside such as a temp directory) /<MESSAGE_STORE_PATH>/<cluster>/log/Log /<MESSAGE_STORE_PATH>/<cluster>/store/PermanentStore /<MESSAGE_STORE_PATH>/<cluster>/store/TemporaryStore
4. Restart the Connections servers

We had the same problems last year, same error message. We could not find a cause.
The support suggested to delete the 3 filestore files (Log+PermanentStore+TemporaryStore) for the messaging engine and restart the Connections servers.

The required filestore files will be created automatically during startup.


(Delete only the files but not the directories)

This worked for us, since then the error message has not appeared. But as I said, we still don't know what caused it.

Dropping the message store files should be just a workaround for the moment or increasing store size. But I am quite sure that you still run into that problem in the future. So I think it is better to find out the root-cause of it. It could be also possible that you still have a message producing application up and running and that the consuming application is currently stopped. With that I would also assume that the message store runs out of space after a certain time.  

Refer below link to see what cab be monitored from PMI in WebSphere console

WebSphere SIB Monitoing

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