MessageBackoutCount: The number of backed out messages that failed to be delivered to the onMessage method of the bean (applies to: message-driven beans).
MessageCount: The number of messages delivered to the onMessage method of the bean (applies to: message-driven beans).
MethodResponseTime: The average response time in milliseconds on the remote methods of the bean.
ActiveMethodCount: Average concurrently actively called methods.
AvailableMessageCount: Number of messages available for consumption from this queue
AggregateMessageWaitTime: Total amount of time spent in the bus by messages consumed from this queue
UnavailableMessageCount: Number of messages on this queue but not available for consumption
TotalMessagesProducedCount: Total number of messages produced to this queue
LocalConsumerCount: Number of local consumers currently attached to this queue
LocalProducerCount: Number of local producers currently attached to this queue
LocalMessageWaitTime: Total amount of time spent on this queue by messages consumed from this queue
TotalMessagesConsumedCount: Total number of messages consumed from this queue
SIB Service } SIB Messaging Engines } * } Storage Management } Data Store
JDBCTransactionTime: Total execution time of internal batches
PersistentDispatcherAvoidanceCount: Measures the number of operations on reliable persistent data dispatched for writing to the data store but whose writing was subsequently unnecessary.
SIB Service } SIB Messaging Engines } * } Storage Management } File Store
FileStoreLogSpace: Space in bytes left in the file store log
FileStorePermanentObjectStoreSpace: Space in bytes left in the file store permanent store
SIB Service } SIB Communications } Messaging Engines } Standard