Below error found in the logs
This Exception occurred at Thu Jan 07 14:22:32 SGT 2020.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Timed out waiting for completion: Activate State: STATE_DISTRIBUTING Target Servers States: AdminSrv STATE_DISTRIBUTED
Problem invoking WLST – Traceback (innermost last):
File “/app/AppSrv01/”, line 86, in ?
File “/app/AppSrv01/”, line 43, in pDeploy
File “/app/AppSrv01/”, line 21, in activating
File “”, line 481, in activate
File “”, line 553, in raiseWLSTException
WLSTException: Error occurred while performing activate : Error while Activating changes. : Timed out waiting for completion: Activate State: STATE_DISTRIBUTING Target Servers States: AdminSrv STATE_DISTRIBUTED
Use dumpStack() to view the full stacktrace :
We have gone through the below link. Want to understand why is this happening frequently ? what is the root cause ?
Stop any of the server(s) that do not appear in the error stack as ‘STATE_DISTRIBUTED’ and restart it
The changes were not distributed to all the Managed Servers in the cluster. As a result, servers remained in an inconsistent state.
So for example, if in the above error stack, one can see activate changes failed for AdminSrv. However other server’s did not appear in this list. So in this case, re-starting only other server’s helped to alleviate the problem.