Jboss Patching


Download Patch from https://access.redhat.com/downloads/.
Before running any jboss commands please make sure JAVA_HOME is set
export JAVA_HOME=/app/java8_64
Go to JAVA_HOME/bin and run jboss-cli.sh then run below to patch
patch apply /path/to/downloaded-patch.zip

[standalone@localhost:9999/] patch apply /tmp/jboss-eap-6.4.2.zip
“outcome” : “success”,
“response-headers” : {
“operation-requires-restart” : true,
“process-state” : “restart-required”
updated modules available in JBOSS_HOME/modules/system/layer/base/.overlay
Once patch is successfull then restart the services

Patch Rollback

[standalone@localhost:9999/] patch rollback –patch-id=jboss-eap-6.4.2.CP –reset-configuration=true
“outcome” : “success”,
“response-headers” : {
“operation-requires-restart” : true,
“process-state” : “restart-required”

Restart the services after successfull rollback

–>During Jboss patching if you get any error says /tmp is full . By default jboss used /tmp as temperary directory .
Can change it by -Djava.io.tmpdir=<new path>
export JAVA_OPTS=”-Djava.io.tmpdir=<new path>”
–> To preseve any config file use –preserve=[bin/jboss-cli.xml]

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