windows hosts file location and edit

hosts file in windows is located in the below location .

 (C) >> Windows >> System32 >> drivers >> etc

hosts file is only editable with the id having Administration or anyone if the access is granted

hosts file on windows is mainly used to resolve the hostname with some IP .If you want the some host or full qualified name to be resolved to some ip then you can achieve it by adding the entry on the host file .

Generally on any of the OS platform initial resolution looks in the host file then it will check the under line configured DNS domain . HTTP transport error: No subject alternative names present

On the latest JAVA if you us IP for endpoint calling then you will get error subject alternative name not found on the server certificate with IP . During such scenario just map the certificate common name to the IP in hosts file and update the end point on the application to call using the FQDN it will solve the communication issue.

# localhost

“#” is used for commenting on the hosts file

This can be done on the unix flavored OS [ Linux/AIX/Ubau/Solaris…etc] by editing /etc/hosts file

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